The Final Dance of the Dandelion
18.5” x 18.5”
Techniques: Collage, free motion stitching
Materials: Cotton and polyester organza
Artist Statement: "The Final Dance of the Dandelion" evokes bittersweet beauty, reminding us of impermanence. It invites reflection on embracing change and finding beauty in life's fleeting moments.
Photographer: Annette McFarlane
The Final Dance of the Dandelion - detail
Pele's Fury
32 X 24
Techniques: Fused, machine quilted handmade silk fusion
Materials: Artist made silk fusion fabric, cotton and silk fabric, sari threads
Artist Statement:
In the Hawaiian religion, Pele is the goddess of fire and volcanoes, and she has recently made her fury known with the eruption of Kilauea. This piece reflects how the lava has destroyed existing homes and plots of land, running under and through neighborhoods, forever reshaping the landscape.
Pele's Fury - Detail
Hot Fall
Techniques: Curved piecing, machine appliqué, machine quilted
Materials: Commercial and hand dyed cotton fabric
Hot Fall - Detail
Can't See the Forest for the Trees
28 X 38
Techniques: Curved machine piecing, machine quilted
Materials: Commercial and hand dyed cotton fabric
Can't See the Forest for the Trees - Detail
Blowing Bubbles
30 X 40
Techniques: Fused, machine quilted
Materials: Cotton fabric
Blowing Bubbles - Detail
Icy Blue Passages
60 X 24
Techniques: Machine pieced and appliquéd, machine quilted
Materials: Heat manipulated and painted tyvek
Photographer- Kayley Hoddick
Icy Blue Passages - Detail
A Zipper is a Bridge
39.5” x 32”
Techniques: Fused, painted, machine quilted, hand stitched
Materials: Commercial and hand dyed cotton and organza, netting, acrylic paint, cotton and pollster thread
Artist Statement:
The world looks different from my perch on the 23rd floor. Building, roads, greenways and water are constantly moving and changing, fascinating from above. I walk across the Tilikum Crossing Bridge, and step on a quote in the concrete, "under a zipper of bridges our green city thrums". A zipper brings the sides of two pieces of fabric together, just like a bridge connects two sides of a busy city.
A Zipper is a Bridge - Detail
Ebb Tide
49” x 30”
Techniques: Heated Tyvek, fused, stenciled, inked, free motion quilted, hand stitched
Materials: Cotton and silk fabric, silk organza, Tyvek, acrylic paint, ink, rayon and polyester thread
Artist Statement:
In Walt Whitman's "As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life", he questions his life while walking the ocean shore.
"As I ebbed the the ocean of life,
As I wended the shores I know...
Was seized by the spirit that trail's in the lines underfoot...
Miles walking, the sound of breaking waves the other side of me...
Becoming somber, he reflects-
"I too but signify at the utmost a little wash'd-up drift,"
But as he walks, his mood changes, becoming more positive,
"Ebb, ocean of life, (the flow will return,)"
and he realizes life is filled with hope and beauty.
I also enjoy walking the beach sands, to ponder life's meaning, its joys and sorrows, and always, its beauty and renewing tides.
Photographer: Hoddick Photography
37” x36”
Techniques: Desk top cutting machine, machine appliqué, painting on fabric
Materials: Cotton, pellon and silk fabrics. Acrylic paint
Artist Statement:
#2310 became our home three years ago. A new way of living - no yard, more neighbors, riding an elevator. It's been a whimsical and more carefree time in our lives.
Photographer: Sam Garnett
#2310 - Detail