3000 Feet Above Somewhere
27” x 23”
Materials/Techniques: Paint, disperse-dying and stitching on hand-dyed fabric. Machine pieced and quilted.
Photographer: Mark Partiani
Bike Oregon
22” x 35”
Materials/Techniques: Bike parts, such as a chain ring, chain links, etc., as patterns and stamps. Distorted the chain rings on computer and applied the resulting pattern with sheer fabrics and stencil. Machine quilted.
Photographer: Mark Partiani
Broadway Bridge Anew
19.25” x 30.75”
Techniques: Printing on fabric, computer manipulation, paint and quilting
Materials: Cotton fabric and paint
Artist Statement:
There is a desperate need to improve our infrastructure. This is my way of showing what the Broadway Bridge looked like before the transformation to anew.
An old rusty bridge
Transformed, repair and paint
Once again anew
Photographer: Mark Partiani
Broadway Bridge Anew - Detail
Portland Through Runners’ Eyes
32.5" x 38"
Techniques: The runners to show an idea of what running in Portland is like, including bridges in the Portland area in the background.
Materials: Paint, stencil appliqué and image transfer of bridges. Back is with placards from running event. Machine quilted.
Photographer: Mark Partiani
Portland Through Runners’ Eyes - Quilt Back
32.5" x 38"
Techniques: The runners to show an idea of what running in Portland is like, including bridges in the Portland area in the background.
Materials: Paint, stencil appliqué and image transfer of bridges. Back is with placards from running event. Machine quilted.
Photographer: Mark Partiani
Tillicum Spring
20” x 27.5"
Materials/Techniques: Hand painted, paper and printing. Machine quilted.
Photographer: Mark Partiani