On the Edge Reception and Lecture
Faulted Shadow by Ann Johnson
Quilts on the Edge
Presented by Ann Johnston
Oregon Historical Society
1200 SW Park Ave
Portland, Oregon 97205
Free and open to the public
Thursday, May 23, 2019
6PM – 8PM
The metaphor of “the edge” opens many possibilities for quilt artists in the Oregon region. The pieces juried into On the Edge: An Exhibition by SAQA Oregon Artists approach the concept in many ways, each according to personal experience, artistic process, and choice of subject. Quilts themselves are on the edge —the edge of being considered “art.” Ann will show her evolution as a quiltmaker, and at the same time, illustrate how her quilts express different ways of being on an edge. Guests will also be invited to view the exhibit and to talk with artists whose work is on display.