SAQA Oregon


Fiber Art from Concept to Stitch

Available in Paperback and Kindle Edition

21 selected members of the Oregon Region of Studio Art Quilt Associates create a work of fiber art, sharing their inspiration and process in its creation from concept to finish, their written words and photographs.

Available for Purchase on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version. Exhibition Dates and Book Signing Events to be released.

Read about the Project in Art Quilt Quarterly Issue No. 28: SAQA Oregon Wrote the Book

Featured Artists:

Mary Arnold, Nancy Bryant, Bonnie Bucknam, Sharon Carvalho, Gerrie Congdon, Sherri Culver, Lynn Czaban, Anne Daughtry, Terry Grant, Laura Jaszkowski, Kathie R. Kerler, Niraja Lorenz, Amanda Miller, Karen Illman Miller, Sherrie Moomey, Lulu Moonwood Murakami, Toni F. Smith, Amanda Snavely, Karen Sunday Spencer, Patti Stewart, Marie Murphy Wolfe


For Detail Images of Artwork Click on the Images Below



Logo Design By Lisa Lauch

Artwork left to right: Gerrie Congdon, Anne Daughtry, Amanda Snavely, Carolyn J Walwyn, Terry H Grant, Judith Quinn Garnett, Annette S McFarlane

We are drawn to certain locations where the land resonates with us and pulls us towards it. People can spend their entire lives looking for places where they belong, places where they feel at home, where they fit and can comfortably set down roots.
— Mary Reynolds, The Garden Awakening: Designs to Nurture Our Land and Ourselves 

Our Habitat, our place in the world, may or may not be a location on a map, or confined within four walls.  Perhaps our Habitat reflects the coevolutionary and symbiotic relationship between humankind and nature -- our human desire to connect to the natural world.  A breath of fresh air in a riotous field of flowers might ground us to our place in the world.  That special place might be found when you are lost within the pages of a book, a thought, a dream, or a memory.   Maybe our Habitat is that domesticated space or protective barrier where we have surrounded ourselves with those things that delight and inspire us.  As artists, we fill that blank space with the precious, the strange, or the sentimental objects we collect as we curate our lives.  Consciously or unconsciously we weave places, people, and things into the fabric that surrounds us -- our Habitat.  SAQA Oregon artists were invited to interpret in either a representational or abstract way a response to Habitat.


 Standing at the edge of the precipice, a precarious position, teetering between defeat or victory we feel both anxious and exhilarated.  We must move forward, there is no turning back or staying on the edge. In Oregon, we live on the edge of a volcanic zone, an earthquake fault line, a tsunami zone, on the edge of the continent.  Whether staring down from the top of a mountain or standing on a beach, we watch as the sun dips below the same horizon. We are all on the edge -- be it physically, geographically emotionally, philosophically, in personality, or in style.  SAQA Oregon artists were invited to interpret either in a representational or abstract way a response to On the Edge.

Preview of Show Catalog

To View the Issuu catalog on Mobile Devices You Will need to download the Issuu App: Issuu on Google Play or Issuu on Itunes

Catalogs are available for purchase: Amazon Catalog Link


Oregon is a state filled with bridges ranging from the mythological Bridge of the Gods to the contemporary Tilikum Crossing. The concept of “Bridge”, though, is much broader. A bridge can be the symbolic image of chrysalis to butterfly. Bridges are a connection and a link. They are bonds and pathways—both physical and emotional—between people and things. A bridge joins and unites. It spans time and traverses space. It reconciles differences creating harmony. It represents progress, stability, hope and transition. We invite artists to submit work that reflects the theme of “Bridge” either in a representational or abstract interpretation.



In “Blending Poetry and Cloth” artist were required to reference a piece of poetry, a song or a quotation in creating their composition. Poetry and art have been inextricably linked for as long as they have both been in existence — one illuminating the other and requiring the use of multiple senses. Powerful combinations are created when the two art forms come together in thought provoking ways — one breathing life into the other.